Year 2: Semester 2 Week 7

Hey all,

Short post this week, not much going on besides studying for exams and finishing up assignments for this half of the semester. I figured that I would at least write something just for the sake of consistency. This semester is going by SO quickly. I had a Complex Variables Exam on Thursday, and I have a Circuits exam Monday and a Digital Logic exam Tuesday, so I definitely needed to spend my weekend studying and doing assignments. I still need to pack for my spring break trip to Mumbai, India with my Engineers for Social Impact class, where we'll be partnering with a local NGO and doing some field research/ prototyping for projects in Dharavi, the world's 3rd-largest slum. I'll be leaving for Mumbai on Tuesday night. Excited for the opportunity to learn and hoping for the best. I loved my first trip to India, in Tamil Nadu, the food, the culture, everything, so I'm looking forward to returning and visiting a different region this time. Stay tuned for that next week.

Goodnight from Saadiyat Island,


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